Our Newman Center is a home away from home for college young adults in Springfield, MO
Mass & Confession Times

Sunday: 11:00am & 7:30 pm
Tuesday-Friday: 12:15 pm
Tuesday: 4pm
Thursday: 9pm
(Candlelight Mass)

Sunday: 10-10:45am &
Tuesday: 3-4pm
Thursday: 7-8.45pm

Tuesday-Friday: 12-12:15pm
Mon, Wed & Fri: 8-9am
Tuesday: 3-4pm
Thursday: 7-8:45pm
​For an accurate schedule especially during holy days of obligation and holidays, please check our calendar.

Community Highlights
Don't know where to begin?
Here are some easy ways to start getting involved at our Newman Center.
Encounter Jesus in a new way.
Join us once a month on a Wednesday where we begin the night with an ice breaker, then hear a talk from our invited speaker, pray in Eucharistic Adoration with praise & worship, then end off the night with fellowship. As Catholics, at the heart of our worship is Jesus' true presence in the Eucharist.

MSU Intramural Sports
Looking to join a team but just for fun? Join our MSU Cathletics team!
Students sign up for intramural sports during the Fall & Spring semesters.

Looking for smaller and particular groups?
Students are involved in small groups, Bible studies, service & justice, EcoCatholic, music ministry, faith formation, and many more.
Visit us.

Catholic Campus Ministry (also known as a Newman Center) is a vibrant community of students striving to live an abundant and meaningful life with Jesus Christ.