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Some Organizations We Collaborate With

Organized by Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development under USCCB, for more than 30 years the Catholic Social Ministry Gathering (CSMG) has brought together hundreds of participants whose faith inspires them to address pressing current domestic and global challenges affecting our most vulnerable brothers and sisters at home and around the world.

CRS works with organizations around the world to help poor and vulnerable people overcome emergencies, earn a living through agriculture and access affordable health care.

St. Jude League Community Development is a non-profit, non-religious funding (grant making, awarding) organization that directly supports community development and social justice programs operated by the Claretian Missionaries in the United States and Canada. The programs are primarily in high-poverty, urban communities and address critical issues including education, health and food insecurity, and caring for migrants and refugees.

KofC contributes to providing children the gift of warmth, advocating for a culture of life, giving persecuted religious minorities food and medical care, or helping rebuild after natural disasters, and more through various charitable programs.

Pregnancy Care Center (PCC) opened its doors in the year 2000. They help young women and men throughout southwest Missouri who are facing an unplanned pregnancy. They also offer free pregnancy testing, limited ultrasound and information on pregnancy options.

Bear Pantry provides the MSU community with access to well-rounded, nutritious resources and education to increase food security and healthy lifestyle choices.
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